Connect with a virus/malware removal pro in under 5 minutes
Just $2.49/minute
- 0 Geeks online & ready to help
🦸 57 people saved time solving IT issues with Geeker yesterday
📈 63 people fixed their Excel sheets in < 10 minutes yesterday
📈 45 people made Pivot Tables feel easy with Geeker yesterday
🗓️ 27 people fixed broken calendars in Outlook yesterday
🙂 37 people synced their ‘un-syncable’ Outlook contacts this week
🔓 13 people restored Outlook account access yesterday
⚙️ 27 people properly configured Salesforce & set up integrations yesterday
💸 48 businesses simplified their tax systems with Geeker yesterday
😊 397 people turned “I can’t” into “I did it!” with Geeker yesterday
🚀 497 new customers saved time & made work easy using Geeker this week.
📄 31 PDFs were brought back to life yesterday, thanks to Geeker.
Trustpilot Rates us as Excellent
Eliminate your virus/malware in
3 easy steps
1. Connect
Tell us what’s happening in a sentence or two. We’ll connect you with a capable IT professional in minutes.
2. Diagnose
Your professional will use remote access to verify if you have a virus using top-notch software.
3. Remove
Once your virus is identified, we’ll quarantine and remove it. You’re good to go!
Enjoy “pay-as-you-go” help from
patient, capable IT pros
US Based
Your Geek speaks your language and keeps “techy” stuff easy to understand.
1:1 Guidance
Be kept “in the loop” every step of the way as your Geek patiently sticks by your side.
Guaranteed Removal
If you do have a virus, we guarantee removal or it won’t cost you a penny.
Never Alone
You’ll never be left alone, even during PC reboots. Stay connected via phone or your favorite apps.
Stay Safe
After your issue is resolved, your Geek will show you the fix and how to protect yourself in the future.