Shabbat Updates 🕯️🕯️

This release focuses on improving the platform’s functionality and user experience during Shabbat periods:

  • Job Posting Flow Fix:
    Resolved an issue allowing users to post jobs during Shabbat if they switched from ASAP to scheduled jobs mid-process.
  • Dashboard Banner Improvements:
    The Shabbat notification banner now remains fixed while scrolling and includes an end time and a “Learn More” link.
  • Technician Notifications:
    Notifications are now sent only to technicians who:

    • Have been active in the last 90 days.
    • Have email and Shabbat notifications enabled.
    • Technicians can opt out by disabling Shabbat notifications.
  • Improved Scheduling Copy:
    Updated messaging ensures users know the exact start and end times of Shabbat when attempting to schedule a job.
  • Email Copy Adjustments:
    Made emails to customers and technicians sound more professional and friendly.
  • Media Visibility in Shabbat Popup:
    Images and videos are now viewable directly in the Shabbat notification popup.
  • Subscription Purchase Restriction:
    Subscription purchases now display a warning that this action cannot be completed during Shabbat.
  • Technician Bio Banner:
    A Shabbat banner notification has been added to technician bio pages.
  • Customer Reminder Option:
    Customers can now opt in for a one-time reminder when the platform is back online after Shabbat. This reminder can be set up weekly if needed.

These changes ensure a smoother experience and adherence to Shabbat restrictions for customers and technicians.