New Features & Enhancements
1. CRUD System for Email Templates [GK2-15] (See Recording here: HTML Email Video)
- Introduced a new section in the admin panel for managing email templates.
- Allows developers to Create, Read, Update, and Delete templates.
- Includes a rich text editor supporting HTML and CSS for design customization.
- Added a test email feature for template validation.
- Notifications are sent to Customer Support when templates are created or updated.
- Email list now shows the associated template or an em dash (—) if none is linked.
2. Dashboard CTA for Ongoing Project Jobs (Or any ongoing jobs) [GK2-25]
- Added a dynamic Call-To-Action (CTA) in the top hero section of the dashboard for ongoing project jobs.
- Technicians see quick actions like viewing project details, opening chat, and submitting time adjustment requests.
- Customers can view project details, chat with the technician, and approve/decline time adjustments.
- The CTA updates dynamically based on the project’s status and is responsive for both desktop and mobile.
Bug Fixes
1. Recurring “Approaching Estimated Time of Resolution” Notification [GK2-39]
- Fixed an issue where the notification kept reappearing after dismissal. Now, once dismissed, it stays dismissed unless manually re-triggered.
2. Kick Button Malfunction [GK2-83]
- Resolved the issue with the Kick button not functioning correctly during sessions. It now works as intended.
3. Remote Button Delay Removal [GK2-113]
- Removed the unnecessary 5-second delay for the remote button, improving responsiveness.
4. Permission Update for Pricing Adjustments [GK2-98]
- Granted [email protected] the ability to modify charges during disputes.
5. SMS Timezone Adjustment [GK2-85]
- Scheduled SMS notifications now display times with the EST timezone format (e.g., “12:15pm EST”).
Copy Fixes
1. After-Hours Pop-Up Adjustment [GK2-79]
- Updated messaging to clearly inform users about potential wait times during off-peak hours and encourage scheduling during standard hours (9 am – 9 pm EST).
2. Account Creation Error Copy [GK2-127]
- Removed the extra “of” from the error message displayed during account creation when a phone number is entered incorrectly.
3. Login Page Copy Fix [GK2-145]
- Corrected the login page text to: “Don’t have an account?”
4. Invitation Confirmation Copy Fix [GEEK-1591]
- Updated the invite confirmation message to: “Successfully invited!” (removed the extra periods).
5. Purchase Recording Copy Adjustment [GEEK-1591]
- Changed the button text for purchasing recordings to: “Unlock all recordings from this job”.
6. SMS Job ID Formatting [GEEK-1591]
- Corrected SMS formatting to “Job ID” instead of “JobID”.