excel pivot table data segmentation

Effective Data Segmentation and Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables: Step-by-Step Guide

Excel Pivot Tables are a powerful tool for summarizing, analyzing, and presenting data. This blog post will guide you through the process of creating and customizing Pivot Tables to effectively segment and analyze your data. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Excel user, these tips will help you master Pivot Tables for insightful data analysis.


Introduction to Pivot Tables

Pivot Tables in Excel are one of the most powerful features for data analysis. They allow you to quickly summarize large amounts of data and analyze it in various ways with just a few clicks. Pivot Tables can sort, count, total, or average data stored in one large table and create a second table displaying the summarized data. They are particularly useful for segmenting data and identifying patterns or trends.

What Is Data Segmentation?

Data segmentation is the process of dividing a large dataset into smaller, more manageable segments based on specific criteria. This technique helps in organizing and analyzing data more effectively, making it easier to identify patterns, trends, and insights. By segmenting data, you can focus on particular subsets that are relevant to your analysis, such as customer demographics, sales regions, or time periods. This targeted approach allows for more precise and actionable insights, which can drive better decision-making and strategic planning.

Why Is Data Segmentation & Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables Important?

Data segmentation and analysis using Excel pivot tables are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, pivot tables simplify the process of summarizing and organizing complex datasets, making it easier to interpret large volumes of information. This helps in quickly identifying key metrics and trends that are essential for informed decision-making.

Secondly, Excel pivot tables offer powerful tools for customizing and manipulating data. Users can group, filter, and sort data effortlessly, enabling them to focus on specific segments and draw meaningful conclusions. This flexibility is particularly valuable in dynamic business environments where data needs to be analyzed from multiple perspectives.

Moreover, pivot tables enhance data accuracy and consistency. Automated calculations and the ability to refresh data ensure that the analysis remains up-to-date and error-free. This reliability is critical for financial reporting, performance tracking, and strategic planning.

Finally, pivot tables facilitate effective communication of insights through visualizations such as charts and graphs. These visual tools help convey complex data in an easily understandable format, aiding stakeholders in grasping the insights quickly and making data-driven decisions.

In summary, data segmentation and analysis with Excel pivot tables are essential for transforming raw data into valuable insights, improving accuracy, and enabling effective decision-making. By leveraging these tools, individuals and businesses can optimize their data analysis processes and achieve better outcomes.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Pivot Table

If you are looking to create a pivot table for data segmentation and analysis then there are a few steps that you need to take:


Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Before creating a Pivot Table, ensure your data is well-organized. Your data should be in a tabular format with no blank rows or columns, and each column should have a header.

creating pivot tables

Step 2: Insert a Pivot Table

1. Select any cell within your data range.
2. Go to the `Insert` tab on the Excel ribbon.
3. Click on the `PivotTable` button.
4. In the Create PivotTable dialog box, confirm the data range and choose where you want the Pivot Table to be placed (new worksheet or existing worksheet).
5. Click `OK`.


Step 3: Add Fields to Your Pivot Table

Drag fields from the field list into the four areas below:

Filters: To apply global filters to the Pivot Table.
Columns: To create column labels.
Rows: To create row labels.
Values: To define what data the Pivot Table should calculate (sum, average, count, etc.).


Step 4: Analyze and Customize Your Pivot Table

You can further customize your Pivot Table by sorting data, applying filters, and formatting the table to make it more readable.


Examples of Data Segmentation with Pivot Tables

Let’s consider a dataset of sales records with columns for Date, Product, Region, Salesperson, and Sales Amount.

Example 1: Sales by Product

To analyze sales by product:

1. Drag the `Product` field to the Rows area.
2. Drag the `Sales Amount` field to the Values area.

You will now see a summary of total sales for each product.

Example 2: Sales by Region and Product

To segment sales by region and then by product:

1. Drag the `Region` field to the Rows area above the `Product` field.
2. Drag the `Sales Amount` field to the Values area if it’s not already there.

This will give you a breakdown of sales by region, with a further breakdown by product within each region.

Example 3: Monthly Sales Trends

To analyze monthly sales trends:

1. Drag the `Date` field to the Rows area.
2. Right-click on any date in the Pivot Table, select `Group`, and then choose `Months`.
3. Drag the `Sales Amount` field to the Values area.

You will now see the total sales for each month.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering Pivot Tables For Data Segmentation

Mastering pivot tables in Excel can significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities. Here are some valuable tips and tricks to help you become proficient with pivot tables:

1. Utilize Keyboard Shortcuts:

Keyboard shortcuts can save you time and make working with pivot tables more efficient. Some useful shortcuts include:

  • Alt + N + V: Open the pivot table creation dialog.
  • Alt + J + T + R: Refresh the pivot table.
  • Alt + J + T + A: Add a new pivot chart.

2. Organize Your Data Properly:

Before creating a pivot table, ensure your data is well-organized. Make sure there are no blank rows or columns, and that each column has a clear header. This helps Excel recognize and process your data accurately.

3. Use Recommended Pivot Tables:

If you’re unsure how to start, Excel’s “Recommended PivotTables” feature can be a great help. It suggests different pivot table layouts based on your data, providing a quick and easy way to get started with your analysis.

4. Group Data for Better Insights:

Grouping data can help you analyze it more effectively. For example, you can group dates by months or quarters, or group numeric data into ranges. Right-click on your data field, choose “Group,” and select your preferred grouping criteria.

5. Filter Data with Slicers:

Slicers provide a user-friendly way to filter data in your pivot table. They are visual, easy to use, and can be customized for better readability. To add a slicer, go to the “PivotTable Analyze” tab and select “Insert Slicer.”

6. Create Calculated Fields:

Calculated fields allow you to perform calculations on the data within your pivot table without altering the original data. To create a calculated field, go to the “PivotTable Analyze” tab, click on “Fields, Items, & Sets,” and then choose “Calculated Field.”

7. Use Pivot Charts for Visualization:

Pivot charts are excellent for visualizing the data in your pivot table. They update automatically when you modify the pivot table, ensuring your visualizations are always current. To create a pivot chart, select your pivot table and go to the “PivotTable Analyze” tab, then click on “PivotChart.”

8. Refresh Data Automatically:

If your data source is frequently updated, set your pivot table to refresh automatically. Go to the “PivotTable Options” dialog box, select the “Data” tab, and check the box for “Refresh data when opening the file.”

9. Show Values As:

The “Show Values As” feature allows you to display data in different ways, such as percentages of the total, running totals, or differences from other data points. Right-click on the value field, choose “Show Values As,” and select the desired calculation.

10. Keep Pivot Table Reports Clean:

To keep your pivot table reports clean and easy to read, use the “Design” tab to apply consistent formatting. You can adjust the style, layout, and formatting options to make your pivot table more visually appealing and understandable.

11. Use Power Pivot for Advanced Analysis:

For more advanced data analysis, consider using Power Pivot, an Excel add-in that allows you to work with large datasets, create complex calculations, and build sophisticated data models. It extends the capabilities of standard pivot tables, making it a powerful tool for data professionals.

Advanced Tips for Pivot Tables

Calculated Fields: Add your own formulas within a Pivot Table to create custom calculations.
Slicers: Use slicers to make filtering data more interactive and intuitive.
Pivot Charts: Create dynamic charts linked to Pivot Tables for visual data analysis.
Data Refresh: Remember to refresh your Pivot Table when the underlying data changes.


Final Thoughts on Creating Pivot Tables For Data Segmentation

Excel Pivot Tables are an essential tool for anyone looking to perform data segmentation and analysis efficiently. By mastering Pivot Tables, you can transform raw data into meaningful insights. Start with the basics of creating a Pivot Table, and then experiment with different layouts and features to uncover the full potential of your data. With practice, you’ll be able to quickly answer complex data questions and make informed decisions based on your findings.


Live Excel Support Transcript Example:

Below is a live transcript of one of our Excel Support experts helping a customer with pivot tables:

Full Conversation:

Customer: Daniel, how are you doing?
Technician: Doing pretty good. Are you on a, oh, there you go. Email, you’re already online, awesome.
Customer: Yep. Do you have a PC or a Mac?
Technician: Uh, PC. Okay, that’ll work. Go ahead and there’s a share button there on the bottom. So you should see that share screen there. Share your screen with me. Should have a rectangle with an arrow on it.
Customer: This is what I’m working on. Basically, again, I’m stuck on Yeah, that is it. Yeah.
Technician: Alright, can you flip over to Excel? There you go. Awesome. Okay. Go ahead and hit hide there on the bottom.
Customer: Okay. So, what’s going on? So, you want to explain what you, what’s going on, what you need?
Technician: Yeah. So, it’s saying here this part to segment them into returning new and lost buckets based on if they attended in 2020 or 2023. So that portion was having trouble on figuring out what formula to use to figure that out between these years for these different genes, basically.
Customer: Okay, can you zoom in a bit so I can see the titles of those columns?
Technician: Alright, so there’s a homework problem. Okay, flip back over. Let me read the question. Is it number one there, or the top you were reading?
Customer: Yeah, number one. It’s a great assignment to have attendees net registration with a unique gem count including rows for returning lost and gem segments.
Technician: Oh, so a multi-part problem there. Okay, are you familiar with pivot tables? Did they teach you those?
Customer: Yeah, a little bit, yeah.
Technician: Okay. Okay, let’s do the first one, so let me attendees. Alright, let’s flip back over to Excel.
Customer: Alright, the attendees would be is that customer number? Event, what is that?
Technician: Oh, does it say what’s the difference between customer number and attendees? Why would you have customer number goes along with the gems to identify which ones are which.
Customer: Okay, so customer numbers. Okay. And the question was again, sorry, event attendees.
Technician: Okay, alright, let’s do that first, so attendees. Okay. So, have you made a pivot table yet?
Customer: No, I haven’t started typing out everything on what I needed but I guess this part probably needs a bit more work.
Technician: Yeah, let’s make it, let’s let Excel do it because making all these formulas can be kind of tough sometimes.
Customer: Okay. Alright, so let’s just go into any cell there in your database. Just click on any one.
Technician: Sorry, in the data itself. Oh, okay. Yeah, any cell.
Customer: Alright, so we’re going to go to insert on the very top and on the far left there’s pivot table. Yeah, just click on the main icon there. And hit okay.
Technician: Alright, are you familiar with this at all?
Customer: Yeah, a little bit.
Technician: Alright, so we’re going to get event attendees and we’re going to pull it down to the bottom right bucket calling values. Yep, and there we go. So, that adds up all the attendees.
Customer: Okay. So, that answers your first part question. Then it says net registration revenue. Okay, let’s flip back over. And go back to event data. How’s that? Net registration revenue.
Technician: Okay, there we go. And move the little, in the column, in the columns bucket. Okay, so unique gym count. Okay, move the values. See the little sigma there under values? In the bucket on the bottom? Yeah, let’s move that down to rows. So, click and hold that guy and move it down to rows. That way the values go down. Okay. Unique gym account. That would be… That one was right here on a different tab. Okay, okay. Let’s see that one. Click on there. Okay. Alright. So… Can I throw that into that? Because that would be a count, and then the count would be different. Let’s see. How can we put that into there? We can make our own pivot table with that one, but if we use the event data… Okay. Click on… They probably have multiple ones. So, click on the little drop-down under D. So, here in column D, by column number, click on that drop-down. Yeah. Alright. So, we’ve got all those. Okay. Let’s… So, are the unique gyms a subset of this event data? Yeah. I think these are just the ones that’s not duplicated. Okay. Because the ones that’s highlighted red, I just put a condition on there for anything that’s duplicated. So, I think these, the unique ones might be the ones that’s not duplicated. Okay. Um… So, what we can do over on sheet three… On sheet three, we can do… Let’s see, what’s the easiest way to do that? I don’t think pivot tables have count unique. Are you familiar with the function called count unique? No, I’m not. Okay. Then let’s just make a… Did you make that unique gym subset yourself or did they give it to you? No, it was already on there. Okay. Then we can just make a table from here. So, go to unique gyms. Okay. Go to unique gyms. Yeah, let’s just make a pivot table from here. So, just click on any of the data there. And go to insert pivot table. Yep. And okay. And we just grab customer number and we’ll bring that into values. Values. There we go. And make sure that that flips over to… So, click on that thing you just brought in on the bottom right. Click on it. Yeah, click on it. And the bottom choice. And we’re going to change that to count. There we go. There we go. Okay. So, that answers those two questions. Alright. Include… Oh, so you want… Alright, so they want to adjust the pivot table to include rows for new… Returning new loss in total gym segments for… Okay. Let’s go back to your pivot table. Alright. Do we have a segment there? So, scroll down on the right. What do we have? Have you identified… So, go back over to your Vendana. Let’s take a look. Do we have any client segmentation on this? How do we know if they’re new or… How do we know if they’re… So, your question, go back to your question there, your homework. So, how can we tell if they’re returning new loss or total? So, that would be this part at the bottom. If there’s loss, then they only registered in 22. If they’re new, they only registered in 23. And then if they’re returning, they’re registered in both. Okay. So, that’s when I pulled the year from… the registration date. I think that’s what I pulled it from. I accidentally pulled it from the wrong date. But it’s basically the same. So, I pulled the year from the date. And then from there, I was trying to figure out what formula to use basically to say if there were new returning… Alright. So, what’s the start date? That doesn’t sound like the registration date. Start date will be the event date. Okay. Feedback on this. For whatever reason, it’s not updating some of these. Like, this should be 2023, but it’s showing 2022. Alright. So, click on that first one there in I6. Alright. Double click the green dot. Double click. There we go. Do you know the formula VLOOKUP? Okay. So, we’re going to go over to the side a little bit. So, go back to the… Go back to the… So, this is by customer number, right? Now, go back to the homework. So, new means… They is a customer, right? Okay. So, the clue was for returning. Returning means both years. New, lost in total. Okay. Gotcha. We’re going to… Alright. Flip back over. And we’re going to make a new pivot table. So, just go to sheet 3. Click on sheet 3. Alright. Go ahead and copy that. Those six cells. Highlight those six cells. Copy it. And we’re going to put that into… Yeah, that’s fine right there. Alright. And… We’re going to… On the bottom right, let’s pull all of those back up to the top. Click and hold and drag it all back up into the… No, just click and hold. Yeah, there you go. Alright. Let’s go grab clients or customer. Let’s move that to rows. Okay. Let’s move the bottom one, which was registration year. Yeah, move that to columns. Yep. And we’re going to move… Let’s just do customer number. And drag that down into values. Alright. Go ahead and change that bottom right one from sum to count. Yep, just like that. Bottom choice. Yep. Count. Yep. Alright. So we’re going to go down to the bottom. On the left. Yeah. On the left-hand side, scroll down to the bottom of your pivot table that you made. Okay. So the ones that are… So that’s from 2022. So the 283 is from 2022. How many customers do you have? The 313 is from everybody that’s just in 2023. And… Let’s see. What can we do? So we need to… What we can do… Let’s see what this works. I’m trying to make it easy for you. So go to E476. Right there. Okay, and we’re going to do equals B476. And do the AND sign. Shift-7. And click on the one right next door to it. C476. Oh, it’s got that thing. You don’t have that turned off. Okay. Get rid of all that, and just type C476. All right, hit enter. So we’ll get a one and dash. Let’s right-click the pivot table. So go into the pivot table and right-click it. We’re going to go to Pivot Table Options. Then one up from the bottom, yep. And… For empty cells, we’re going to show zero. So that third checkmark right there. Yeah, right there. We’re going to say zero. And… Why didn’t that come over? That’s strange. Oh, there we go. That’s weird. It didn’t update. Very odd. I’m going to buffer this stuff for whatever reason. Go up to Formulas on the very top. And go to Calculate Options on the top right. Hit Calculator. And hit that dropdown. Ah, that’s fine. Click on Automatic. Yeah. Yeah, never have it on email. Okay. All right. We’re going to grab that green dot right there. And copy that formula all the way up to the top of your pivot table. Just click and hold and drag all the way up to the top. Keep doing it. All right. So now we’re going to go over here. And… Depending if it’s 01, 01, or 11, we’re going to identify these people. So let’s go over to, like, I. Column I a little bit. And we’re going to hit… Actually, let’s highlight those three on the left. The 10, 01, and 11 on E. Now the answer is that we just hit just those three because those were the three different ones we have. So go ahead and copy those. Copy that. And we’re going to right-click. Right-click. No. Nope. So did you copy it? All right. And we’re going to hit the 123 on the clipboard. Okay. All right. Good job. And highlight them again. And we’re going to click on the yield sign there. And click on convert to number. The 0 to stay, though. Oh, the 01, right. Okay. Do undo. Just hit the arrow on the top right. I still want that 0 to show up. Okay. Let’s try that. So 10 will be on J. That is… What’s that called? That will be… Cancelled? Yeah. That will be written new. And the next ones exist that are returning that. Okay. So now to the right of lost, we’re going to do equals count if. Equals count if. And we’re going to highlight the values there in E, echo. So highlight 10 all the way to the bottom. And hit lock that range. So hit F4. Hit F4. Oh, back up the comma. Get rid of the comma first. And highlight all of that on the blue section. Oops. The blue section there. Highlight all of those in your formula. And hit F4 on your keyboard. The function key F4. Or function key F4. You know how to do that? Okay. Just manually put them in there. And then go to their end and comma. And then we’re going to click on the 10 right there in I. Yep. All right. So we’re counting the blue range if it looks like 10, which is 2022 but not 2023. Okay. And then we’re going to close the bracket. Go ahead and copy that down. There we go. So that answers that question. Did you understand what we did there? Yep. Okay. Did you need to do the next one or just 1A? Well, we haven’t done B or C yet in number 1. We just did 1 and A. Is there a shortcut for the year-over-year growth? All these categories of which revenue per attendee, registration revenue per gym, as long as you get that. I can teach you how to do C. If you know how to do B, then you can grab those numbers and I can teach you how to do C really easily. So for instance, if one year was 100, so if one year was 100 and the next year was 123, type those in. 100 and then 123. So the growth rate, go to the right, down at 123 with the equals open bracket. Open bracket? No, per bracket. What again? Yeah, shift 9. And 123 minus 100. Close bracket minus 1. And then we’re going to put that in percent. Why is that 22? It should be 23. Oh, sorry, divide by 100. My bad. Not minus. Not minus 1, but divide by the I-16. Nope, divide by the I-16. Yep, there we go. There we go, that’s better. Okay, perfect. Cool. Well, I appreciate it. Sure, my pleasure. Have fun in class. All right, thanks. Thank you. Thank you.